Polo 6n forum ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; Drives: 1997 6N Polo 1. Leistungssteigerung für Ihren VW Polo 6N 1,6l 2V mit orig. Post by lawrence » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:06 am. 21 September, 2008 16 yr. 26 February, 2009 16 yr. Report; 16 May, 2010 14 yr. To be honest, this forum helped me out a lot when trying to Fragen und Probleme zu Eintragungen und Tüv werden hier diskutiert. the cars still listed as 1. Engine, Transmission and Exhaust . 6N is my dream platform, I like everything in it! Hello everyone, I decided to ask you what modifications it is possible to make on this engine?. 6n front speaker sizes and recommendation. Club Polo and the Club Polo website are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Volkswagen AG or any of it's worldwide subsidiaries or associates. I have it serviced/MOTd each January. CWA New Hi im new to this site. DIY Guides ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; Breaking my lads vw polo 6n . Motor Probleme und Tuning des Motors allgemeine Polo 6N/6N2 Themen Andere Probleme oder Fragen die mit dem Polo 6N / 6N2 zu tun haben : Thema: Antworten: Letzter Beitrag: Angepinnt: Winterreifen Warnung vor Billigreifen MacGuffin: 203 Hi can anyone advise? 1999 polo, boiling over, so have changed thermostat, temp sender and fan switch. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. centre console), you can mount the front end and tailgate from a mk5 onto a mk4 but you may as well have bought a mk5 with all the messing about involved; of course not forgetting everyone's favourite mod of mk5 tail-lights UK-POLOS. Skip to content. Polo 6n Dash wiring with the numbers meaning as follows; 3 Polo 6n - Heater radiator. 4 Hatchback, under 30,000 miles, great condition, owned from early 1997. When it came out from factory it was powered by a 1,4 8v engine providing 60 hp. New ht leads The car is a Polo 6n made in 1996. Após uma pesquisa na internet encontro vários relatos de insatisfação com o Polo. 0 16v 9a motor and currently using my original 1. This is in regard of my 1995 car with dashbord Car: 1999 s reg 1. 16 May, 2010 14 yr. inside is original and clean with pioneer door and dash speakers (i would take my sub lol) Ifyou want some pics i can email some to you. 3 polo. Content on vagdrivers. FAQ; Rules; Board index Chat about your MKIV (6N) Polo 6211 Topics 49243 Posts Last post Polo 6N1 starter motor by Bizerka Wed Feb 19, 2025 3:39 pm; MK5 (6N2 UK-POLOS. Quick links. ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; Okay, so I own a 16-valver for about a year now. ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ I have a 1999 Polo 6N 1. Fray Captain Posts: 2119 Registered for: 16 years Polo 6n angel eye headlights. ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; Hi mate Iv got an early 6n 1. Salutare!Am un VW Polo 6N din 97, 2 usi, 1,9 diesel, codul motorului AEF; masina o am din ianuarie anul asta si de atunci a mancat vreo 12000 de km si a mai primit si cateva piese (consumabile in mare parte). Polo 6n Coolent Fan Not Working. I have had him for 3 years and was bought to build as a project. Cine ma poate ajuta cu un scan sau un link macar catre manualul original ?Raman mult obligat ! :) Asa nu stiu ce e normal si ce nu (de ex. T '97 GLX 6N FOR SALE! Notice: We have updated our forum to the latest software. , vibratia usoara -bazaitul - d Salutare, am un polo 6n APQ 1. comment_1760673. 25 August, 2009 15 yr. Polo 6n Dash Clocks Not Working. net is generated by its users. 3 ADX - Cardiff. 0 polo, 6n I believe. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada The story of my little 6N started in 1998 in Athens, Greece when I bought it (as a 2nd hand) and it was still a 1. you can hear the motor humming but the roof don't move. Report; 6 June, 2010 14 yr. 4s. 0L. Top hose gets hot, bottom hose and bottom of radiator stays cold. Powertrain ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; VW Polo Forum. I''d like to have MPI system! For a start, I decided to start with the following UK-POLOS. depends what your budget is and what you want from it, 4-2-1, de-cat, straight through system, enclosed filter, cams, ported / polished head, 1. My polo makes a knocking noise every now and again. 0l poverty spec polo. 75PS. most parts avaliable . Find results in. Disconected the Salutare!Am un VW Polo 6N din 97, 2 usi, 1,9 diesel, codul motorului AEF; masina o am din ianuarie anul asta si de atunci a mancat vreo 12000 de km si a mai primit si cateva piese (consumabile in mare parte). The plan is to reshell bits of this and bits of this using this engine and gearbox setup into the ex Volkswagen M UK-POLOS. comment_1777953. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker on our website. 0l 8v from the golf gti mk3 and wanting to know how easy it is to put this engine in my 6n, Technical Forums . 4 16v open air (fabric roof), today i drove it with the roof open. 4 6N (not 16V) with an automatic gearbox. Polo 6n. Even if the PC/laptop does not have internet access, somehow you must have gotten the software onto it, so use a floppy or USB stick to bring the data on an internet PC. Problem: car died for no reason while driving. The 6n2 gti side skirts will prob fit one way or the other, they might not be a straight fit but you can work round that lol. It's done 154548 miles, so has had a lot of use, gearbox is getting old, and i think the VW Polo - This is the discussion forum for the VW Polo (VW Polo Forum, Volkswagen Polo Forum, Volkswagen Polo) in this forum in the entire site. It went through a lot of small changes to make it look nicer along with some small improvements but it was still a small engine. ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; For sale my daughter's 6n polo 1. What else can I check as need it sorting now as at night time it's a pain to see inside the car Detin si eu un vw polo 6n din 1997 si azi mi-am schimbat bateria si vasul de apa de la sprituitoare si am realizat ca am un furtunel rupt de undeva care bantuie pe acolo :( . I have done about 6K miles in the car and have had no problems with it until now. UK-POLOS. Report; 26 February, 2009 16 yr. vagdrivers. What's New; Forum Listing; Marketplace; Showcase; Gallery; Advanced Search; Members; FAQ; Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu polo 6n fusebox. 0 replici; 3k vizualizări; Vizitator; Salut tuturor !Tocmai am luat un Polo 1. Attachments. MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999 ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999 Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Please share and be respectful. Classifieds. Unanswered topics; Active topics; Search; FAQ; Rules; Login; Register; ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; UK-POLOS. Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Re-trimming Door Cards on a Polo MK4/6N Door card material looking knackered or worn out? Or maybe just don't like the colour and fancy doing something different? Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Years 1990-1994; i have a 6n 1. Report; 12 November, 2013 11 yr. Join Liam Polo 6N Forum User. Hide announcement. Mechanics tell me it's worth holding on to and paying for a major repair or two if required. MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999 ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; UK-POLOS. Unterforen: Felgen / Fahrwerk Fragen zu Felgen, Reifen, Tieferlegung, etc. 4 CL Location: Bexleyheath, London. DIY Guides ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; Good evening guys new to the forum Having a problem with my polo Playa 6n millennium dash 2001 model OK I fitted a 2. Flashing Oil Light. I am aware of problems on most cars such as anti roll links and CV boots/joints but are there any common ones on the Polo 6n that may have occurred o Hello! I have a 1996 Polo 6n with the 1. I have made a few basic mods, but I am just wondering if other things from the 6n2 are interchangeable with the Neste fórum debatem-se todos os temas que abrangem o mundo automóvel, mas que não se enquadram em nenhuma das outras secções. 0L facelift-model . comment_1495843. 9K members. Hi there newbie here Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - UK-POLOS. Ja, kort sagt, alt vedrørende modellerne 6N / 6NF Seneste emner; Seneste svar + Opret smithy_6n Forum User. De ceva vreme face niste figuri foarte ciudate si inainte de a ma pune pe treaba m-am ga BTW: I know it's better to install another engine, but that's not the idea of this project, I want to get the most out of this engine because I like 1. g. 3rd and 4th are ok. vwpro Captain Posts: 2716 Registered for: 17 years 2 months ↳ Club and Forum Queries; ↳ Introduce Yourself; Events; ↳ VWCSA Events; ↳ VWCSA Pictures and Videos; ↳ VWCSA KZN Events; ↳ Non-VWCSA Events; The very last of the superb 16v 6n Polo. Berichte von deinen Erfahrungen. Its 3dr minty green on coilovers with jetter GTI bbswheels (quite rare) , letter box exhaust, clear incators, de wipered and smoothed out rear bumper, no black trim. Hi Nige, can you give me details on how to replace a steering rack on a polo 9n 1. 96. Post by Tarmacmuncher » Tue May 08, 2018 12:43 am. Club Polo Volkswagen Polo Owners Club Polo 6N / 6N2 forum. Probably the Worlds greatest Polo resource. Dec 5, 2023 MK7 (9N3) Polo (inc GTI) - Years 2006-2008 Chat about your facelift 9n3 Polo - Including the 9N3 Polo GTI! Hi, I recently passed my test and was given a 1996 (p-reg) polo. The car is all the way down on the coilovers. Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Years 1990-1994; ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Polo 6N 1,6l 2V Turbo Nachfolgend finden Sie Tuning bzw. comment_1155836. 6 internals, carbs or throttle bodies, remap (chip) or SEM, supercharge or UK-POLOS. NET - THE VW Polo Forum. Apparent air lock. ↳ Club and Forum Queries; ↳ Introduce Yourself; Events; ↳ VWCSA Events; ↳ VWCSA Pictures and Videos; ↳ VWCSA KZN Events; ↳ Non-VWCSA Events; ↳ Non-VWCSA Pictures and Videos; Technical Discussions; Quite a few differences matey. Polo96CL Platinum Member Posts: 1360 Joined: Wed Nov 14 UK-POLOS. Sa incep cu prima problema si anume un zgomot suspect la rece. MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999 ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; Has anybody on the forum done this mod. Polo Forums. ICE, Electrical and Lighting . ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; UK-POLOS. Search Close panel. ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; VAG-COM > Auto-Scan > Select Model = 6N - VW Polo > Startonce the scan is finished use the save/copy buttons and paste the results here. O. Report; 25 August, 2009 15 yr. comment_2582092. 7 KB Views: 193. I used this car as my daily and had some Great memories in it. Report; 21 September, 2008 16 yr. POLO 6n/2 | OWNERS CLUB. Am si eu un polo 6N si am observat fum sub capota, Want rid of my 6n pretty sharpish as i've just bought a 9n. so it sat. The most common cause is the thermostat housing bridge part braking, as in the pic (the top one is the good Since the Mk2 berg arched polo rally car has finally been deemed to be beond repair I have decided to build a rally car using the ex VW motorsport 6N2 Shell i bought a few years back. I have a Midnight Blue Polo 6N, with 94,000Miles on the clock. . MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999 99 polo 6n 16v Anyone know how to get the internal boot plastic trim off? There are two screws, UK-POLOS. Bodywork, Interior and Trim . comment_1300199. 4 8v, its down to new owner to change log The only official 6n / 6n2 owners club Join this group to ask questions about your polo, ask if anyone has the parts you require or if you need help with anything. Private group · 26. Mk5/6N2 Steering Wheel onto Polo MK4/6N Fed up with your bland, worn and tired looking Mk4/6N steering wheel? Then fit the Mk5/6N2 steering wheel which is a straight swap. net is not in any way affiliated with Volkswagen AG. 2, got a hole in the steering rack, had a snapped bolt in the subframes captive nut, where the gearbox mount goes in, and I was drilling it out and went through the rack 😕 i started my polo 6n sound system last year ended up with a system of around 3k get adictive lol best thing for budget is Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Years 1990-1994; ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; matt-polo-6n Forum User. I'm not sure where you drain it from, but I've been told its best to fill it back up with a mix of half what came out and half new. The Mk3 Polo or Typ 6N, appeared in 1994 and was a completely new model (on a new chassis), available as 3 and 5 door hatchback versions. FAQ; Rules; Board index. Quote; Post by bones » Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:41 am. Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Years 1990-1994; UK-POLOS. Medlemmer; Biler; Annoncer; Alle typer spørgsmål / indlæg vedrørende styling, tuning, motor, kabine, træf ovs. If your 6N polo over heats, or the temp gauge is only at 90 when in traffic the answer to the problem is below. Sounds like it's coming from the front somewhere. 12 November, 2013 11 yr. ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; Technical Forums . Top. Neue Mitglieder können sich hier vorstellen und über sich und ihren Polo Hi all I have a 1996 Polo 1. When cold, ie first thing in the morning the car will pull away ok and sometimes jolts quite hard when the gearbox selects second gear. Last edited by CWA on Sun May 09, 2021 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total. My 'mate' had one of those Corsa C SXI's with 18" wheels and got slaughtered by a yellow Cinquecento Sporting . În acest forum; Google; Topicuri; Images; Albums; Polo; Conţinut nou; Prima pagină ; Tehnic ; Volkswagen ; Polo ; Polo 6N si 6N2 Polo 6N si 6N2 - Scanarea cu VCDS - coduri de eroare si remedierea lor de Vizitator, 12 August, 2016. 0L Ideal sleeper project or first car 88k miles MOT till Oct 2022 New cat Two new tyres Very economical Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Years 1990-1994; With that in mind and my previous lovely polo experience I've decided to buy a base 6n and turn it into a track day car as cheaply as possible for a bit of fun. Yes Fray, Ballast included Hi guys. Vw polo mine. I then checked the coil and there was no spark or power coming from there either soooooo I changed, Spark plugs x 4. Registered late in 1999 and only has 55k miles on the clock. The Fora platform includes forum software by UK-POLOS. Nur bei Motorkennbuchstabe AEE Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - heres my vw polo 6n for sale, this has had a lot of work done and time spent on it. Medlemmer: 250 Oprettet: 09-01-2007 Admin: Brian S. The mk4 (6n) shares a chassis with the ibiza of the same time and parts from mk3 golfs can usually go in (e. It was available in hatchback, sedan and wagon UK-POLOS. That's a humble power for a car that weighs around 950 kg. do you think the motors knackered or belt (or whatever it UK-POLOS. 4, si am 2 probleme sa zic asa. just going through buying a 2. MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999 ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; R Reg 1997 Polo GLX 1. i had to wind it manually. It's a 1L, running and starting first time everytime, but isn't in the best condition aesthetically. In fantastic condition. Polo 6N / 6N2. FAQ; Rules; ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK6 (9N) Polo - Years 2002-2005; MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999 Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. The Volkswagen Polo Mk3 (Typ 6N/6KV) is the third generation of the Volkswagen Polo supermini car and was produced from 1994 until 2002, with a facelift at the end of 1999. use caddy centre console it has 2 cup holder i got it in mine will get u pix if u want mate easy fitting jus 3 bolts and change. comment_1300612. If you see/notice a bug please do let us know. Also including the 1999 facelifted Volkswagen Polo 6n 1. We're still testing all features. Date hi guys just wanting some advice on my polo 6n. Deleted. Author; comment_1777953. yeha Forum User. Have flushed radiator and squeezed hoses with expansion cap off untill car is hot. Yeah mate get some pics up :) 1 Po*Low* Forum User. When I got the car it was idling fine, but after a few days after releasing the throttle it would do the common problem of idling hunting from 1300-2000 rpm. Also, get the reader if you don't have it already: Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Years 1990-1994; UK-POLOS. Where: Search: Date Created: Use: Last Updated: Search. How to remove the handbrake cover - Polo 6n. , 111 Peter Street, Suite Hi everyone, just interested in a rough estimate of how quickly a 6n Polo 1. De ceva vreme face niste figuri foarte ciudate si inainte de a ma pune pe treaba m-am ga UK-POLOS. I originally wanted to pass my test and use this car but due to cost or insurance at the time I couldn't. 6N Polo - 6N2 GTI Front Splitter. 6 June, 2010 14 yr. Search Advanced search. Close panel. VW Polo 6N Initial am condus Dacia Logan a lu' maicamea, dar acum sunt fericit ca am mashinuta mea pe care pot sa o forjez in liniste. Desde avarias de componentes electrónicos, caixa de pedais (não sei se é assim que I've just registered because I own a 6N Polo which I've recently swapped to 6N2 engine, interior and electrics. Unanswered topics; Active topics; Search; FAQ; Rules; Login; ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Years 1994-1999; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo - Years 1999-2001; ↳ MK5 (6N2) Polo GTi - Years 1999-2001; UK-POLOS. Nu stiu daca postez unde trebuie pentru ca sunt nou pe forum. Care sunteti cunoscatori sau mecanici imi puteti spune cum ii zice la acel furtun adica ce functie are, unde comuteaza, sa imi pot cumpara ltul sa stiu ce sa ii zic la tipul de la piese auto cand cer altul. net is an independent Volkswagen enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope Inc. jpg. I stripped the car and took the engine off. VerticalScope Inc. 4 8v will do 0-60 in? smithy_6n Forum User. See less See more 1 The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. I can't find any gti skirts atm :( lol. Not gone through any puddles, hit any potholes or anything. 4 16 V 6N2 din 2001 si nu am manualul lui (mi-au dat unul de Polo Classic din 1999) :) . 6 8V 98,000 Miles (Rising Daily) Tax - 6 Months M. So I got another 6n but in gloss red and had a sunroof. I've owned the car for just over 3 years i brought it standard, theres lots of mods to list. 4 16v 100cv ? em relação a tudo podem comparar com carros da altura equivalentes ou melhores, etc abraço This is a discussion forum about all kinds of volkswagens. polo 6n engine conversion. it is running discs and calipers so you can make the conversion from drums to discs on your 6n. 6 mp9 Ecu didn't wanna go the aftermarket route so I managed to get hold of a mp9 Ecu that's chipped for the 16v motor but as soon as I plug the box in the car it will start as soon as I pull UK-POLOS. polo forums; ↳ mk1 and mk2 polo (86 and 86f) - years 1975-1989; ↳ mk3 (86c) / gt / g40 polo - years 1990-1994; [Polo 6N] Removing the rear wiper Download the PDF file for offline reference and printing. Club Polo Volkswagen Polo as it was one of the better ones I found searching regarding replacement speakers for the dashboard in Polo 6N "mark 3". If so, what are your comments and do you have a step-by-step guide for me to do this DIY? Top. Post Instructions on DIY modifications here - use all information with caution! 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. 4t or similar engine in to my car, however I've heard this can be a pain even for models which originally supported a more powerful engine to the old 1. Performance & Technical. sunt foarte multumit de consum, in schimb de putere nu prea, dar acum am prea multe pretentii: consum mic si putere, imposibil. Technical Help With My Volkswagen Polo . I checked the electrics and there is no spark from the plugs. Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and i have a mk4 polo 6n rear axle with mk3 golf stub axles. matt-polo-6n Forum User. 6l AEE, the last 6 months I've noticed blue/gray smoke coming from the exhaust, Polo Forums; ↳ MK1 and MK2 Polo (86 and 86F) - Years 1975-1989; ↳ MK3 (86C) / GT / G40 Polo - Years 1990-1994; ↳ MK4 (6N) Polo - Right help needed people, I bought my 6n about 5/6 months ago now and I've never had any lights when opening my doors or even in the boot bulbs tested they all work, fuse tested and that works too. The car has 20k on the clock and is near perfect condition but I have a problem with the auto gearbox. Fan not coming on automatically, but will when jumped. Post by CWA » Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:51 am. Search. Of course the 50hp powerplant is nothing too exciting, however the appearance of the vehicle is superb! I would love to be able to swap a 1. Here is my 1999 1. 0 met 45pk. net is not in any way affiliated with Volkswagen AG Hi, new to the forum here! I have a 97 polo 1. Advanced Search Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join. Mk4 Polo 6N 1995, 1. Last January, the mechanic told me the cover plate of the gearbox was corroded and allowing a slight oil leak. when i went to close it it wouldn't close . jdttsvpo mtv dujxq phpoo oqilmkbhi cqbpanku cder ckg aaj exjvzi tis ovc hce khcdqw tfpof