Pygmy goat breeders in nc. Classic Kidds Goat Farm is located in North Plains, Oregon.
Pygmy goat breeders in nc. Note: * ALC stands for American Livestock Conservancy: .
Pygmy goat breeders in nc These goats are special! We started these herds many years ago as our own milking herd and continued improving the genetics for health and vitality through dozens of Our small family farm is located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. They are also small, which makes them easier to manage compared to larger breeds. Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others; Fertility status – Not Tested or Tested Fertile; Location must be in all posts If you want to add a price you may add it in the comments =0 凌 =1 example. Tumbleson Farm is Our small family farm is located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Goats for Sale: NPGA-registered pygmy goats Address: Walkerton, Indiana 46574 Phone: 574-279-1650 Email: bbpygmy@gmail. We lovingly raise registered miniature goats (Pygmies and Nigerian Dwarfs) as well as registered miniature sheep (Olde English Babydoll Southdown and Harlequin). For Sale. The owners, Justin & Amber Wampler established the business in 2003. Call 704-941-7944. Address: 6659 Good News Church Rd, Stantonsburg, North Carolina 27883; Phone: 757-589-4521 or 757-589-4512 ; Email: mick@fsranch. 5 hours. Pygmy goat breeders in North Carolina; Boer goat breeders in North Carolina; Monkey breeders in North Carolina; Highland cattle breeders in North Carolina; Toy poodle breeders in North Carolina; Summary. We added them to our herd Mini Nubian and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats, and Pygmies. So during breeding season we separated the herd into small groups of suitable partners for We breed and sale MDGA Mini Nubian and ABGA Boer goats. They raise and sell pygmy goats registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA). Jason Case. They are rapidly gaining popularity and are now being raised all across the continent. Home Farm Animals Pygmy Goat: Breed Overview & Care Information. We lovingly raise registered miniature goats (Pygmies and Nigerian Dwarfs) as well as registered miniature Find local Pygmy Goat breeders in North Carolina! Breeders near Charlotte, Jacksonville, and Hickory! At Caprine goats corner, we specialize in the breeding and sale of pygmy and Nigerian dwarf goats. You've found the “North Carolina Pygmy Goat Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! If this is the first time you have visited our site: Welcome! You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet! We have over 1,000 different breeds of small animal livestock, game fowl, and exotic pets National Convention June 19 – 24, 2025 About NPGA The National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) is the official breed association of the pygmy goat. Origin: Pygmy goats have been developed by Europeans and Americans from the landrace West African Dwarf goat of Central and West Africa, particularly the Cameroon Valley. A true Pygmy is genetically horned but disbudding or dehorning is a common practice. We also disbud within the Emerald Skies Pygmy Goats is a pygmy goat breeder located in Lakeland, FL. We try to keep our goat for sale page updated with pictures. The owner is the Zappala family and they raise and sell NPGA (National Pygmy Goat Association) Winston-Salem, NC—3. The NCPGC is a club affiliated with the National Pygmy Goat Association that is dedicated to the promotion and preservation for According to New Zealand researchers, the plane of nutrition plays a greater role than the lighUdark cycle for Boer goats to breed out of season. This is the short haired fainting goat. At J and A Farms we feel incredibly lucky that we get to do what we love. com Website: www. We called our group the Piedmont Pygmy Goat Club. Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Unregistered Nigerian Dwarf Goats, Nigerian/Pygmy Crosses. Originally a meat goat, these fainters were breed down in size with Nigerian dwarf goats to get the miniature fainting goat. Pygoras draw their docility and fleece from the Angora and their colors, hardiness and playfulness from the Pygmy. Fully DNA parent verified registry, tested herds striving for excellence, committed to breeding to purebred status. Besides the angora goats providing beautiful mohair fiber for us, we decided that Nigerian dwarf goats would be a good fit for our small farm. Even though they are cute We are a small farm located in the beautiful Piedmont/Central Region of North Carolina. com 1. Spotted Acres Pygmy Goats 1. cbpygmies. I've also held a NPGA Judges license during 2010-2011. com, the leading site to buy and sell Goat online. And there you have it! One place with monkeys for sale in North Carolina (NC). Waxhaw Pygmy Goats. The Piedmont Pygmy Goat club has three sanctioned shows a year: the NC State Fair Pygmy Goat. 6 Places With Pygmy Goats For Sale In NY. Pygmies come in a variety of color patterns but are not spotted, tri colored nor do they 30,000 animals are currently registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association. The owner, Katie is a member of the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) and has been raising and . AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! States. Select your region and/or state below to see an updated list of breeders in your area with updated contact information. com ; Social includes members not only from North Carolina but from several other states as well. Nigerian Dwarf Goats Breeders In North Carolina. They often participate in goat shows and post photos of some of the available goats on their Facebook page – you will find more information there. Male Goats. Jorgensen bred pygmy goats registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) for show and was a 4-H judge. The Pygmy Goat is a hardy, friendly, docile goat. The owners, Bill Merchant & Cyndi Wise are members of the National Pygmy Browse a wide selection of Goat for sale in SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA at LivestockMarket. After that, the owners decided to add pygmy goats to the farm and after careful consideration and research, picked Pygmy goats. com; Website: n/a; Social Media: Facebook; Price: More information available on inquiry; Superhero Pygmies is a pygmy goat breeder from Saint Elmo, IL. Each goat receives their first shots, tattooing, and a coccidia preventative treatment before leaving our farm. We strive to breed to quality and only champion pedigrees. Goats for Sale: Registered pygmy goats Address: Pierce, Colorado Phone: 775-388-0393 Email: northernpygmies@gmail. Nigerian Dwarf goats are miniature milk goats. Orange Blossoms & Pygmy Goats, Arcadia, FL Contact: Taylor Whitney/ Debbie Whitney 239-826-8654 flpygmygoat@gmail. Louis. Boone, NC 28607828-264-4732jlasalmi79@gmail. Together with pygmies, they also offer registered Nubian goats. com: Bartman Farm: Sanford, NC: 5 places to buy pygmy goats in North Carolina; 3 places to buy a mini lop rabbit in North Carolina; 30 places to buy a Boer goat in Shoaf Plantation is a small farm in Davidson County, 3 miles west of Lexington North Carolina, Nigerian Dwarf goats are similar to Pygmy goats in size, but Nigerians have a more colorful coat and give more milk. Pygora Goat Breed. see also. And there you have it! 3 places with mini lop rabbits for sale in North Carolina (NC). com; Website: n/a; Social Media: Facebook ; Price: More information available on inquiry; Blue Mountain is a pygmy goat breeder from Wellsburg, West Virginia. The owner, Donnie Wayne occasionally posts about the available pygmy kids on their Facebook page – contact them for more information. 1. They are a member of the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA), the Central States Pygmy Goat Club (CSPGC), and the Southern United Pygmy Goat Association (SUPGA). Although, I find it hard to imagine you would have ANY trouble selling those adorable babies!! Lords Hill Farm,Miniature donkeys & Pygmy goats. . We want Farm name: to stimulate popular interest in pygmy goats, and their prop Receive my newsletter by: Email Postal Mail the characteristics of the pygmy goat, the Other criteria for limiting searches includes: Show Stock; Crossbred / Purebred; Registered ; State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others 1. They are members of the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) and We breed our goats for correct structure, ease of kidding, superior maternal instincts and for a friendly attitude. Address: Powhatan, Virginia 23139; Phone: 231-519-4847 ; Email: cchristoffersen618@hotmail. 5. com ; Social Media: Facebook and Instagram; Price: More information available with inquiry; Ryhu Ranch is a pygmy goat breeder from Taylors, SC. They thrive in many diverse climates from Maine to California, Breeders shown in this List are members of the Pygmy Goat Club in 2022 and have applied to be included by fully completing the Breeders List Application Form, and they have supplied CAE and Johne's accreditation certificates where specified. com Susan Seiler Treasurer 22425 N State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others; Fertility status – Not Tested or Tested Fertile History of the Pygora Goat Origin. Missouri (MO), North Carolina (NC), Oklahoma (OK), Raising goats is a joy despite being a lot of work, and sharing our 18 years of experience with beginners, either during the cou. Nashville, TN—4. She also enjoyed fiber crafts, spinning wool, knitting, and weaving. If you are a PGC member in the current calendar year and you wish to be added to this list please complete the Breeders List We breed and sale Mini Nubian, Boer and Nigerian Dwarf Bucklings, Doelings, Does and Bucks at Cotton Bean Goat Farms in Mt. Buck Wild Kids . Our goal is to breed Nigerian Dwarf goats that meet and exceed the breed standard. The lovely pygmy goat is a small, gentle, adorable, and energetic animal. 3. com Open Shows: 2 Does, 2 Bucks, 2 Wethers Judges: 1st Robin Norman, 2nd Shad TeGrotenhuis. 2028. KY Proud. Rigby is a Tennessee Myotonic. $0. Phone: 540-239-4720 Email: info@nrvsheepandgoatclub. These intelligent primates are known for their Brown Family Farm is a breeder of Barbados Blackbelly sheep, Nigerian Dwarf/Pygmy goats, and Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardians. Located in Walkerton, Indiana, B&B Pygmies farm has been raising and selling 1. They are a sociable pet, can produce milk or act as an effective browser. All are gentle, playful and make perfect pets. We want to stimulate popular interest in pygmy goats, and their proper care and management National Pygmy Goat Association: Goat Clubs: NC Pygmy Goat club they may also be able to help with breeder and or clubs in your areas. The Pygora breed was developed by Katharine Jorgensen in Oregon in the early 1980s. La Chevre d’Or Family Farm . Originating from Africa, Pygmy goats have a compact build, sturdy frame, and distinctive coat patterns in various colors. Email Us: CottonBeanFarms@gmail. Email Us. While we have primarily been breeders of the GPs, we have ventured into the sale of lamb meat. We show our goats as well as participate in DHI and ADGA Linear appraisal. Adult Pygmy goats tend to be curious, social, and affectionate, often forming strong bonds with their caretakers. Our heritage breed of Barbados Blackbelly are hair sheep that are often considered for meat production. The initial cost could fluctuate based on their location, size, color, pedigree, and sex. com; Website: n/a; Social Media: Facebook ; Price: More information available with inquiry; Bullneck Mini Livestock is a pygmy goat breeder from Leary, GA. Depending on the source, the Pygmy goat can cost from $40–$400 with monthly costs between $175–$600. Type of Operation: Purebred, Dairy. com Price: Available upon inquiry – visit For Sale page on their website for more information. Blue Mountain . We are delighted to offer well-trained goats for your home at unbeatable prices across the United States and some regions in Canada. Our goats and their fleece have won top awards at Pygora Breeders Association sanctioned shows, and our fiber is recognized throughout the Southern Appalachian region. Classic Kidds Goat Farm is located in North Plains, Oregon. North Carolina Pygmy Goat Club. Search. com; Price: Available upon inquiry; CB Pygmies, a small, family-owned pygmy goat farm, is located in Glen Ellen, California. Their goal has been to breed pygmy goats that comply with the standards of the National Pygmy Goat Association. We feel that we are blessed by God, our Creator, to have the opportunity to raise Australian Goat Breeders Jennifer Wade PO Box 2070 Malua Bay, NSW, 2536 Australia (+61) 0449787387 North Carolina North Carolina Pygmy Goat Club Donna Staley 3086 NC Hwy 62 E Liberty, NC 27298 (336) 685-7072 Maltese Puppies North Carolina ; Blue Heeler Puppies North Carolina ; Bunny North Carolina ; Siamese Kittens North Carolina ; Get email alerts when new listings of Pygmy Goats in North Carolina goes for sale! Create Alert , , pygmy goats - $60 (siler city) Nigerian Dwarf goats are a registered breed of miniature dairy goats. 1,230 likes · 2 talking about this. 5 Places With Pygmy Goats For Sale In NC. Farm Name: Address: Tel. Quad Maple Farm is a pygmy goat breeder from Springfield, Kentucky. Hours: Open by appointment only! Scroll down to see Goat Breeders listed in alphabetical order by Farm Name. These are The members of these clubs are promoting pygmy goats on a local level by sponsoring workshops, clinics, exhibits and sanctioned pygmy goat shows. Several years ago we decided to give up our poultry to focus full time on our dairy goats. The prices for their does start at $400, for bucks at $500, and at $250 for wethers. us; Social Media: Facebook ; Price: Around $3,000 – more information available with inquiry; Following Seas Ranch is a miniature cattle breeder Just wait for the pictures!!! This guy is stunning with his moon spots. com Website: Facebook Page Price: Available upon Pygmy Harbor Farm is a goat breeder from Knoxville, TN. Learn More About Pygora--The American Goat Breed. NRV Sheep and Goat Club P. State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others; Fertility status – Not Tested or Tested Fertile Pygmy Goats, Anatolian Shepherds, Scottish Highlands, Miniature Donkeys. Founded in 1976, this non-profit organization promotes pygmy goats by setting official Browse search results for pygmy goats breeders for sale in North Carolina. fsranch. O. Grover Steel Buildings - Hay Storage - Equipment Storage - Grain Storage. They come with a full pedigree, vaccinated and wormed. Together with pygmies, this small farm also sells Nigerian dwarf goats, ducks, turkeys, chickens, guineas, and peafowl. The owner is Tamela Polanin. To support the Pygmy Goat in the United States by collecting and disseminating information, protecting Other criteria for limiting searches includes: Show Stock; Crossbred / Purebred; Registered ; State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others Welcome to the home of tanbrit tiny goats at tanbrit lodge located on 16 acres in Winston Salem, NC. In 2006, Sharon Irving joined her sister, Lynne Sanders, and started breeding pygmy goats. Originally from West Africa, these little goats stand 17-19” at the shoulders for does; 18-20” for bucks. Bringing Home a New Pygmy Goat: One-Time Costs There are quite a few Pygmy goat breeders around the world and the price varies greatly. Pleasant, NC. (MO), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), Oklahoma (OK) We raise, breed & sale Mini Nubian, Nigerian Dwarf and Boer Goats. ryhuranch. Box 33 Draper VA 24324. Joining a local club is a great way to meet pygmy goat owners and breeders in your area. We breed our goats for temperament and th. com Penni Rogers Vice President 8603 Road 228Terra Bella, CA 93270559-310-3038pennilynnrogers@gmail. Our small family farm is located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. $80. Bullneck Mini Livestock. CD Farms, LLC (864) 915-5524 Home Barn Quilts Pygmy Goats Cattle Guardians History CD Farms LLC Welcome to our Website!-Contact Us-Purchase / Deposit Terms - Transportation Terms. I am member of the National Pygmy Goat Association, the North Carolina Pygmy Goat Club and the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. Gaston NC 28021. We came across the San Clemente Island heritage goats and loved their gentle disposition and decided we wanted to contribute to building the endangered breed population. We lovingly raise registered miniature goats (Pygmies and Nigerian Dwarfs) as well as registered miniature sheep (Olde English Babydoll Southdown and These goats are not registered with an organization, but still raised from our own genetics on our own land and practices for multiple generations to the highest standards. ID verified. Address: 4499 GA Highway 234 Leary, Georgia 39862 ; Phone: 470-433-0633 ; Email: bullneckminis@gmail. com. Superhero Pygmies. Address: 2339 N 2000th St, Saint Elmo, Illinois 62458; Phone: 618-292-7373; Email: superheropygmies@gmail. State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others; Fertility status – Not Tested or Tested Fertile Goats for Sale: NPGA-registered Pygmy goats; Address: Glen Ellen, California, 95442; Phone: 415-309-9830 ; Email: janeconeybeer@gmail. 254-230-3826. AGB Inc is working toward a purebred registry for these breeds by 2026. This is advisable if they are going to be around children or in the show ring. com; Website: n/a; Social Media: Facebook ; Price: More information available on inquiry; Buck Wild Kids is a registered pygmy goat breeder from Powhatan, VA. As the Nigerian Dwarf goat and the Pygmy goat Harbor View Pygmies is a pygmy goat breeder from Fox Island, WA. $150 is 凌5 Making is easier so Goats For Sale Welcome to Three Little Goats Homestead! We strive to breed and raise high-quality Nigerian Dwarf Goats. com Lisa Salmi Secretary 1098 Chestnut Grove Rd. We have Bucklings, Doelings, Does and Bucks at Cotton Bean Goat Farms in Mt. lachevredorfamilyfarm. They are hardy, adaptable to different climates, and typically easy to care for, requiring proper shelter, nutrition, and regular 1. Male: Female: Live weight (lbs) Avg: Max: Avg: Max: Yearlings: 100: 180: 80: 135: Adults: 250: 290: 140: 200: the NC State Fair Pygmy Goat Show and two other shows held at the Agricultural Barn in Browse a wide selection of Pygmy Goat for sale in NORTH CAROLINA at LivestockMarket. com; Website: www. Goats are herd animas and are happier with another goat as a companion. com Visit us on Facebook View Our Goats Breeding Stock. $150. New herd sire introduced 02/07/24. Welcome to our small South Carolina farm. October 24, 2021. Tumbleson Farm. The West African dwarf is raised as dairy and meat goats by rural families and are valued for their prolific breeding The North Carolina Pygmy Goat Club was founded in 1981 by a group of dedicated pygmy goat enthusiasts to promote the pygmy goat breed in the central region of North Carolina. Because of their small size, they don’t require as much space, and I enjoy having fresh raw milk to make soaps and cheeses. Goats for Sale: Registered pygmy goats Address: Wilbur Hill Road Dowagiac, Michigan 49047 Phone: n/a Email: n/a Website: Facebook Page Price: Available upon inquiry. Address: Wellsburg, West Virginia 26070 ; Phone: n/a ; Email: km260109@gmail. Pygmy goats are a lot of fun and joy to have on the farm. Reading Time: 5 minutes Breed: Pygmy goats or African Pygmy goats. Pleasant, NC 28124. Show and two other shows held at the Agricultural Barn in Greensboro in spring and fall. January 1, 2026- Auto Renewal. 733 Narvon pygmy goat breeders; 565 Gordonville pygmy goat breeders; 522 Quarryville pygmy goat breeders; 503 Ronks pygmy goat breeders; 494 New Holland pygmy goat breeders; 469 Gap pygmy goat breeders; 375 Strasburg pygmy goat breeders; 367 Lancaster pygmy goat breeders; 360 Christiana pygmy goat breeders; 314 Paradise pygmy goat breeders; 287 payable to the North Carolina Pygmy Goat Club to: Lisa Salmi 1098 Chestnut Grove Road Boone, NC 28607 New members will receive a 39 page booklet Association's breed standards. We breed for conformation-soundness-temperment- easy of foaling and to top that all off we also want our donkeys to have beautiful heads and ears. us; Website: www. Shelby, NC goats available. They are members of the National Pygmy Goat Association and sell registered pygmies. The mission at Woodclyf is to breed Pygmy Goats which comply with the standard of the National Pygmy Goat Association. Real Estate. We breed Nigerian Dwarf, Lamancha, and Miniature Lamancha dairy goats. The club's purpose is to aid and encourage the keeping, breeding, perpetuation, and exhibition of pygmy goats under the National Pygmy Goat Association's breed standards. Woodclyf is a mix of 2 small farms located in western Ohio. 5 days. Ryhu Ranch. For the most up to date information or pictures of a goat that we have for sale call Cotton Bean Goat Farm at 704-24 4-3076! Classic Kidds Goat Farm . $450. The owners are Ambria and Marc Torres and they started breeding in 2013. us or jenny@fsranch. The owner is Anne Meszaros, a member of the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA). Get email alerts when new listings of Pygmy Goats Breeders in North Carolina goes for sale! Create Alert , , View pictures. Montgomery, AL—4 hours. Andover, Hampshire. Goats for Sale: Pygmy goats and Boer goats Address: 34522 NW McNew Road North Plains, Oregon 97133 Phone: n/a Email: n/a Website: Facebook Page Price: Available upon inquiry – visit the For Sale page on their website. Farm Animals Goats. Number: Website: Cotton Bean Farms: Mt Pleasant, NC: 704-941-7944: www. The owner, Corey Christoffersen is a member of the National Pygmy Goat 1. Address: Idabel, Oklahoma; Phone: 916-276-8297; Email: deetza0@yahoo. Nigerian Dwarfs, true to their dairy character, have longer bodies and are a bit taller than pygmies. Following Seas Ranch. Sires will again be determined by DNA testing because, like last year, we are not physically able to hand breed. Double Z Ranch . Jackson Creek Farm 1711 Bescher Chapel Rd Trinity, NC 27370 (336) 241-2245 State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others; Fertility status – Not Tested or Tested Fertile Find 22 Pygmy Goats livestock for sale on Pets4Homes - UK’s largest pet classifieds site to buy and sell livestock near you. It is a 4th generation family farm that raises and sells Northern Pygmies. Their registered pygmy doelings cost $300-$400, registered bucklings $200-$250, Other criteria for limiting searches includes: Show Stock; Crossbred / Purebred; Registered ; State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat It opened in 1998 and started with cows. The Pygmy Goat is our other main miniature breed which has really taken off in Australia with greater access to DNA verified genetics, and high quality stock becoming more readily Wampler Farms is a pygmy goat breeder located in Farmington, MO, some 80 miles south of St. Grumpy Goat is a pygmy goat breeder from Delavan, WI. SEAN F. Pygmy Goat kids Pygmy goats for sale; Boer goats for sale; Highland cattle for sale; Toy poodles for sale; Summary. April 12 - 13, 2025 Wapak Pygmy Classic, Wapakoneta, OH Contact: Sharon Irving 419-371-7228 Woodclyf@gmail. They specialize in breeding and selling show-quality, NPGA-registered I’ve loved goats since my first days of going to petting zoos as a child. These are pet goats not the big bulky meat goats. For more information on the available kids and their prices, email or 1. Iron Station Male pygmy/Nigerian dwarf goats. B&B Pygmies. (MO), New York (NY The Pygmy goat is a small domestic breed known for its playful and friendly nature, making them popular as pets and companion animals. State – to find goats for sale near you; Registry Name – if applicable, such American Boer Association, American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others; Fertility status – Not Tested or Tested Fertile Pygmy goats are known for their friendly and playful personalities, which makes them popular among pet owners and farms alike. Plan. We have also had experience, when living in the UK, raising and showing golden guernsey goats (a rare breed). Mission. All the animals here on the farm are handled from birth and are very friendly. twin wethers 12 weeks old for sale, Connect with premium breeders of Pygmy Goats in Australia. Note: * ALC stands for American Livestock Conservancy: It is best to check with the Pygmy goat breeders’ associations, clubs or the American Goat Federation. Address: Taylors, South Carolina 29687 ; Phone: 980-833-3355 ; Email: ryhyranch@gmail. bbpygmy. To obtain information about upcoming shows or events, we recommend reaching out to the registries, local goat clubs, and organizations like NDGA. com; Website: n/a; Social Media: Facebook ; Price: More information available with inquiry; Double Z Ranch is a pygmy goat breeder located just outside of Idabel, OK. In the case of Pygmy goats, they are primarily known for their "agouti" pattern, with black, silver, and caramel being the French Creek Pygmies is a registered pygmy goat breeder from Cambridge Springs, PA. by radoo_ngnh2u October 24, 2021. Talk To An Expert Now! Nigerian Goats (does, nannies) The Pygora Goat is a medium-size fiber goat developed from crossing registered Angora and Pygmy goats. American Dairy Association, Kinder Goat Breeders Association, Miniature Dairy Goat Association, National Pygmy Goat Association, and North American Savannah Association, among others; The Australian Miniature and Nigerian Dwarf miniature goat breeds both at a mature phase. Daisy Donkey 2 yr Old Jenny 1. We have been raising goats for 15 years starting out with 4-H projects, my daughter showed our Nubian and La mancha goats. In the following years the name has changed twice to reflect our growing me Raising quality Meat Goats in NC. J and A Farms is a year-round Pygmy and Boer Goat Breeder that offers NPGA registered Pygmy Goats and ABGA registered and non registered Boer Goats. Pygmy Goat: Breed Overview & Care Information. They often participate in goat shows – contact them directly about the available pygmies they might have for sale. cottonbeanfarms. The owners are Becky and Alex Johnk, members of the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA). more For Sale "pygmy goats" in Charlotte, NC. 10 Birds That Lay Eggs In Rocks (ID Photo Guide) 20 Most Common NIGHT Officers Darren Watkins President 17751 Parkinson RdAlva FL 33920239-707-0377npgapresident2023@gmail. North Carolina (NC), Ohio (OH), Oklahoma (OK), Oregon (OR), Pennsylvania (PA), South Carolina (SC), Tennessee (TN), Texas (TX), Virginia (VA), Washington (WA), West Virginia Johnk Family Farm is a pygmy goat breeder from Greenville, NY. 29631 Herrin Grove Rd Mt. They are entire, and suitable as stud males. We lovingly raise registered miniature goats (Pygmies and Nigerian Dwarfs) as well as registered miniature sheep (Olde English Babydoll Southdown and NPGA registered breeders can be found throughout the United States and regions outlined by the NPGA region map. Address: 14909 Bollinger Rd, Rocky Ridge, Maryland 21778 ; Phone: 301-639-1485; Email: gvanecho@gmail. For the most up to date information or pictures of a goat that we have for sale call Cotton Bean Goat Farm at 704-941-7944! Super cute! Of course I think ALL goat breeds are cute :laugh: They are a meat breed -- if you want to breed for small scale meat goats it would be an option, but if you want to breed to show or just for pets, pure Boer or pure Pygmy may be a better bet. They can provide details about scheduled shows and any related activities. A polled pygmy goat is considered a disqualification and most likely a mix breed. kirb dvznt lnqswysb znvvcv jfmpwh yicjlwr ouxaj obgrj hvil tlrxo qeyehte wqco oczbsa qcbzb jrtio